Thursday, July 23, 2009

Forget compassion- let's take the easy road.

Story Time: The Little Train vs Pride and Prejudice

The other day my little girl was reading a story book about the little train that could. I know; you heard the story a million times before- the train that was too small to make it over the mountain carrying toys and food for needy children on the other side. Only through individual determination was the train able to get over the hill.

This time, while she read, I starting thinking about all the other trains that came by first. The prideful train, the powerful train, the gold train, and they all said the same thing: "I won't pull the likes of you". My daughter asked me what that meant. I had to think about it for a while because I never paid attention before to this story. This time, however, I starting thinking about racism and prejuduce and insensitivity. I was thinking about powerful people in the government and private sectors- they don't really care much about people's suffering. The little train story really is a showcase of how important the actions of humble everyday people, with limited resources, working outside their comfort zone, can be to helping those reaching out.

You see, without this group of people, who is going to stand up for the underprivileged, the needy, those suffering from repression? This country has plenty of people with serious problems. Government does what it can, wealthy private individuals and corporations do even less, but when its time to passing a new immigrant favorable reform- you got it; its up to us to help. We become the train that gets over the mountain. That's not such a bad place to end up is it? After all, we were all created to do good works.

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